Sunday, January 06, 2019


Things I wish to buy for my cooking activity soon.

1) Chopper
2) Airfryer
3) Pressure cooker
4) Mee machine
5) Juice maker

Hope dalam peti nanti dah boleh siap2 standby:

1) Cili kisar
2) Peeled bawang putih
3) Peeled bawang merah
4) Blended bawang putih
5) Blended bawang merah

Biscuit or cake wise pulak I wish I can try to make it once in a month
since anak suka cake and cookies. So would be great if boleh ada:

1) Mixer
2) Oven

OK nanti dah boleh buat reading lah pasal resipi.
Maklumlah masih belajar memasak sejak berhenti kerja.
I might not be a good chef.
But as long as I have desire to learn for the sake of my family.
Semoga my skill will get better in time.

I think I should analyse also each of us punya fav food.
Barulah balance bila setup menu of the week nanti.
InshaAllah soon

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